What kind of energy system do you prefer?

What kind of energy system do you prefer?

--- a simple question with a complex answer. So we need your help.

The EnergyRev project on Smart Local Energy Systems has been working with 1000minds to develop a series of quizzes to find out your views on the relative importance of different aspects of smart local energy systems. Each presents you with pairs of flash cards and simply asks which you prefer.  They’re fun and take about eight minutes to complete.

There are eight quizzes - and we would like to ask you to complete the first one and any of the others which interest you. We are even offering prizes to encourage you to participate - please feel free to share this with your friends, and colleagues.

This is the main quiz which we would like everyone to complete. The others are on: Governance, Environment, Data Management, People and Living, Business and Economics, and Technical Performance. Please complete as many as you like.

We are really interested in the opinions of everyone involved in energy - consumers, stakeholders, researchers, implementors, generators, distributors, and product developers. Please help us by completing our quizzes. Feel free to share this email with your friends, colleagues and collaborators.

Thank you in advance

Prof David Ingram, Dr Camilla Thomson and Dr Christina Francis.

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